Thursday, April 22, 2010

ECC Weeks 9-11 South America

We started reading Nate Saint from the YWAM Missionary Biographies this week with Squirt. I will say it is a hard read in some ways and amazing in many more. The TM deals with the book really well and gives you summaries on some of the more difficult chapters due to their content. Squirt did have us read only the summaries of the last few chapters.

Hubby and I got a book from MAF (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) that was awesome!

It is Jungle Pilot by Russell Hitt.
The majority of the book is direct quotes from Nate's own letters and writings. It gave such a wonderful picture of who he was, how intelligent, creative, witty, loving and most of all sold out to his Savior. Nate's walk with Christ illustrated in Jungle Pilot often convicted and challenged me as I read it.

We added Brazil to our wall but since I only had an Argentinian child we put up everything we had along with the Brazilian flag and John 3:16 in Portuguese and Spanish.

We didn't do as many crafts or cooking for Brazil. We did enjoy really working on playing the Geography Game. I learned as much as Squirt did. I am looking forward to doing ECC the second time around and including Buddy & Bubba by then.

I added in pages from Voice of Martyrs kid's website on Bold Believers in Columbia. And we also did pages from Venezuela pages from Another Trip Around the World.

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